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‘PLSG is in dire financial distress’




The Transition and a four -year Strategic Development Blue-Print Committees set up by the Plateau State Government have presented their reports to the state governor, Barrister Caleb Mutfwang revealing that the state government was in dire financial distress with a total debt and liabilities which stood at about N307 billion. The reports of the committees revealed that this amount was far more than the amount reflected in the handover note.

Making this known on Monday at the Governor’s Office, Little Rayfield, the Chairman of the Committees, Professor Ganyir Lombin in company of the members said the task given them was hectic. They observed that the handover note to Barrister Mutfwang by the out gone administration on 29 May,2023 were scanty and lacked details as it did not follow the agreed template developed by the joint committee.

According to Prof. Lombin, whereas the handover notes which stated that the total revenue which accrued to the Plateau State Government for the period of May 2015 – May 2023 stood at N872 billion, it failed to capture the total expenditure which was only given for the period of May 2015 – December 2022 which he noted was not up to May 2023 which stood at N810 billion.

He further revealed,”The state’s current monthly debt servicing commitment is over N3.3 billion and that implies that at the end of every month, the sum of N3.331 billion is deducted from the state’s revenue inflows to service the debts.This leaves the state virtually with no money to pay salaries, pension and overheads, not to talk of capital projects”.

He observed that the exact workforce was not known as no adequate information was provided to the committee by the Office of the Head of Civil Service as well as other ministries, departments and Agencies. The chairman observed that it may be due to the alleged recent indiscriminate employment into the state public service.

On the Lalong Legacy Projects, the Chairman explained that the projects were marred in controversies as well as unresolved legal cases which he added have stalled their implementation. He lamented that the sum of N12 billion meant for the projects was still in the custody of the trustees of the fund.

“There are 3,692 items of government assets and properties which include cars and houses that were sold and or auctioned at ridiculous prices both within and outside the state which need further investigation and appropriate action taken”, Prof. Lombin stressed.

On the four year Strategic Development Blue -Print for the state, the committee urged the governor to look inward and provide the needed means to the people. He suggested focusing on agriculture, health-care delivery, education and human resources, physical infrastructure, road, transport and water supply amongst others.

Prof. Lombin emphasized on three areas which he also enjoined the governor to look into. These include peace and security of lives of the citizens, local government administration and chieftaincy affairs and good governance.

According to him, the current system of local government administration was put in place by the military administration in 1976. The committee stated that it was largely abused which should be tackled at all levels.

The Executive Governor, Barrister Caleb Mutfwang while receiving the reports thanked them for a job well done.

He said, it was not by mistake that they were chosen but that he knew that they were up to the task which they had accomplished.

Mutfwang assured them that the reports would not gather dust on the shelves for he would act on them immediately.

The governor said the reports had further opened his eyes on the debt burden of Plateau saying he was thinking it was about N2000 billion not knowing it was over N300 billion.

On security challenges in the state,Gov Mutfwang said it was a great concern to the government but assured that with the changes recently witnessed within the security, citizens would very soon heave a sigh of relief.


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