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Chairmanship candidate unveils action plans




 THE chairmanship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Hon. Muhammed Baba Shehu has rolled out his action plans if elected in the local government chairmanship and councillorship elections in the state.

Speaking with newsmen immediately after the grand finale of his campaign at the Gangaran Tudun Electoral Ward,  the chairmanship candidate stated that he would start by rejiging the revenue generating capacities or machinery of the council to enable it complement other sources so as attend to developmental challenges here and there.

He stated that as part of his agenda he will strive to boost the healthcare sector of the area through the improvement of infrastructure, manpower and equipment to enable them deliver qualitative health care services to the people particularly for those in the grassroots. He aded that efforts would also be made to provide more healthcare centres so that it would be at the door steps of the people to enable them access the care easily.

The chairmanship hopeful also pledged to look into the issues of unemployment facing mostly the youths in the area through the creation of opportunities to them so that they can have a means of livelihood which he said by extension is going to guard against the youth indulging in  criminal or miscreant behaviors.

On the issue of local government staff, the chairmanship hopeful who has served for many years in the local government assured that the staff would be adequately motivated through the enhancement of their welfare as well as training and re-training to enable them go in line with the present developmental trends.

On the issue of education, Shehu pledged to ensure that public educational institutions live up to their responsibilities adding that both the teachers and their pupils would be adequately encouraged and schools environment would be made to be friendly with more  learning activities.

Shehu also pledged to collaborate with security agencies to ensure that  people’s lives and property in the area were protected. Adding that, the local security apparatus in the area would also be reinvigorated to complement the efforts of conventional security agencies in the area.

He then re-assured that apart from the provision  of basic social amenities to the people of the area, his administration would-be  guided by the principles of transparency and accountability. he also promised to carry all along in the distribution of opportunities and resources in the spirit of equity, fairness and justice to all in line with the policy mantra of the APC.

He therefore solicited for the support and co-operation of the people of this area through their votes and pledged that he would do all that is humanly possible to live up to the expectations of the people.


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